Alice Torriani
Alice is a theater, film and television actress, novelist and screenwriter.
She graduated from the Paolo Grassi Drama Academy in Milan in 2007 and started theatrical tours in Italy and Europe with established international directors such as Alvis Hermanis, Romeo Castellucci, Mario Martone, Massimo Castri, and Franca Valeri amongts others.
She has been working as part of the cast for various television shows, mainly as recurring or lead, recently in the American-canadian tv series Ransom3, and as Lead in the Italian period drama TV series The Ladies’ Paradise, season 1-2-3. In cinema she has starred in the movie Lessons of Love, which has participated to the 76th Venice Film Festival in 2019.
She also made her appearance in Ten Winters by Valerio Mieli, A star is born by Lucio Pellegrini, and Them who? by Francesco Miccichè and Fabio Bonifaci. In an effort to ever improve her acting skills she has visited the Margie Haber Studio (which became her acting reference point in Los Angeles) numerous times and she is always working on her skills.
In 2019 she participated to the Los Angeles Brisk Festival and won the Best Actress Award.
Parallel to her acting career, she began her journey as a writer and in 2015 her first novel, L’Altra Sete, was published by Fandango Libri. The novel was chosen to represent Italy at the Festival Européen du Premier Roman in Germany. In 2018 Fandango Libri published her second novel, A Life in Place.
With Giampiero Judica, she wrote the tv series Cleaning your Shit, among the finalists at the prestigious Solinas Prize in Italy. With Matilda Kime she co-wrote the short movie The mistake, which has been nominated as Best International Short Film and won the Silver award at the Hollywood Art and Movie Awards in 2020.
Since 2013 she has been part of the international research group Fire to the Straw, which investigates new languages of theater. In Tallin she collaborates with the No99 group and CCPM participating in several performance research workshops.
Also, she took two certificates as yoga teacher, one in India and one in Italy.

completed projects
ROMEO AND JULIET (2023) Mario Martone
I JUST WANT THE BONES (2022) Lead Giacomo Garaffoni
CHANGE LE MONDE TROUVE LA GUERRE (2021) Lead Thea Dellavalle
ULTIMA LATET (2020) Lead Franco Visioli
COMEDY WITH CRASH (2019) Lead Liv Ferracchiati
JUDGEMENT,POSSIBILITY, BEEING(2018) Lead Romeo Castellucci
IL CAMBIO DEI CAVALLI (2014/2015) Lead Franca Valeri/ Marini
STRIPPED (2015) Lead Industria Indipendente
THE FOUR SEASON RESTAURANT (2014) Lead Romeo Castellucci
VISIT TO THE FATHER (2013/2014) Lead Carmelo Rifici
THE YOUNG LADIES OF WILKO (2010/2012) Lead Alvis Hermanis
THE BALL (2009) Lead Thea Dellavalle
NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND (2008) Lead Gabriele Lavia
THREE SISTERS (2007/2008) Lead Massimo Castri
LESSONS OF LOVE ( 2019 ) Co-lead Chiara Campara
LORO CHI ( 2015 ) Supporting Miccichè/Bonifaci
D.A.D (2014) Co-Lead Marco Maccaferri
A STAR IS BORN? (2010) Co-Lead Lucio Pellegrini
ALL ABOUT YOU (2010) Supporting Alina Marazzi
TEN WINTERS (2009) Supporting Valerio Mieli
GOOD MORNING AMAN (2008) Supporting Claudio Noce
ANIMA GEMELLA (2023) Lead Channel 5
IL PATRIARCA (2022) Recurring Channel 5
RANSOM 3 (2018) Star one episode Global(Canada)-CBS (Usa)
THE LADIES’ PARADISE SEASON 1-2-3( 2015-2019 ) Lead RAI 1 Channel
ONE STEP FROM THE HEAVEN 4 (2016) Lead RAI 1 Channel
PARENTHOOD (2015) Recurring RAI 1 Channel
A BIG FAMILY 3 (2014) Recurring RAI 1 Channel
HANDS INSIDE THE CITY (2013) Recurring Channel 5
INSPECTOR MONTALBANO (2012) Star one episode RAI 1 Channel
RIS ROMA 1-2 (2009/2010) Recurring Channel 5
2021 International art residency on performance led by Giacomo Veronesi, Melpignano, Puglia
2018 International three weeks workshop with N099 Theatre, Tallin, Estonia
2017 International workshop I AM EUROPE with Falk Richter, Nils Haarman and Nir de Volff – Parigi -
2017 International Masterclass for Actors with AIPA ( Australian Insitute of Performing Art ) – Los Angeles
2016 International Theatre Workshop led by Giacomo Veronesi – Thalia Theatre Hamburg
2016 International Theatre Workshop Principles in Acting led by Tomi Janešič – Napoli Theatre Festival
2015 Acting for camera Workshop with Jordan Bayne Permission Playground – Roma-
2014 International acting workshop led by Antonio Latella, Biennale of Venice
2013 Acting workshop led by Danio Manfredini
2013 Dramaturgy workshop led by Fausto Paravidino – Biennale of Venice
2013 Voice workshop led by Chiara Guidi ( Societas Raffaello Sanzio )
2013 Acting workshop with Jordan Bayne in New York
2012 International acting workshop led by Luca Ronconi, Biennale of Venice
2013 Dramaturgy workshop led by Antonio Latella
2011 Acting Intensive Program at Margie Haber Studio in Hollywood, Los Angeles
2010 International Acting Program ( Audition Technique )at Margie Haber Studio in Hollywood, Los Angeles
2009 Dance workshop with Raffaella Giordano ( Pina Bausch )
Study of classical dance, contact, Laban method, Feldenkrais, stage combact.
Sports: basketball, volleyball ( pro ), yoga ( pro ), swim, pole dance ( basic )
Worked with the choreographer Alla Sigalova on The Young Ladies of Wilko by Alvis Hermanis
Dance workshop with Raffaella Giordano
Workshops at Movement Research, New York
SPECIAL skills
Great capacity for accents
Pole dance
Sketch commedy
Yoga (Certified Yoga Alliance International Teacher - RYT 350 LVL 2 ADV)
Best Actress at Brisk Festival - Los Angeles - 2019
L’Altra Sete, novel, 2015, published by Fandango Libri, chosen to represent Italy at Festival Européen du Premier Roman 2016, Germany.
Cleaning your shit, tv series, 2016.
A life for good, novel, 2018, Fandango Libri.
Italian ( mothertongue ), English ( fluent ), Spanish ( fluent ), French ( level 1)